Is 2023 the Year?

Is 2023 the year you create a pollinator habitat?

Starting a new project can sometimes be overwhelming. Where do you start? Here are a few resources to help you plan your new space for pollinators.

MJ Frogge

GRO Big Red Virtual Learning, Nebraska Extension

Pollinators Bees, Butterflies and Beyond,

Creating a Pollinator Habitat,

Pollinator Blooms for All Seasons,

Nebraska Pollinator Habitat Certification Program

Application and plant list

Click to access ce-application-for-nebraska-pollinator-habitat-fillable.pdf

Cherry Creek Pollinator Habitat Summer 2015

Pollinator planting card-Great Plains

Pollinator Partnership

Xerces Society

National Pollinator Week

It is National Pollinator Week! I am happy to share that the Nebraska Pollinator Habitat Certification program has revised its application with an updated and bigger plant list! Hope you will consider applying to this program. Take a look at the application for the list of plants you might add to your landscape to benefit pollinators.

MJ Frogge



Nebraskans Care About Pollinators

Nearly 70 people attended the Pollinator Class and Open House last night at the Cherry Creek Pollinator Habitat located at the Lancaster County Extension Office. Those attending included Nebraska Pollinator Habitat Certification members, Master Gardeners and citizens from several southeastern Nebraska communities who wanted to know more about pollinators and the Habitat Certification program.  After a habitat tour, delicious food and a power point program on the benefits of pollinators, the Nebraska Pollinator Habitat Certification Team held a Q&A session. Great discussion and concern expressed on how to help pollinators and increase habitat. A perfect evening!

MJ Frogge

Pollinator Class & Open House

On April 6 the Cherry Creek Pollinator Habitat is the venue for a Pollinator Class and Open House.  The Nebraska Pollinator Certification Team is hosting this event to recognize the 30 Certified Habitats and invite the public to learn more about the program and pollinators. Pre-registration is required by April 3.

For Registration:

MJ Frogge


Cherry Creek Pollinator Habitat Summer 2015

Pollinator Class and Open House
Thursday, April 6, 6–8 p.m.
Lancaster Extension Education Center
444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln NE
Pre-registration is required by April 3.
Hors d’oeuvre will be served from 6–7 p.m., followed by pollinator presentation.
Cost is $5 per person