Spring Bulbs for Pollinators

Fall is the time to plant spring flowering bulbs. These plants are the first bloomers in the spring. They are important for pollinators that are out early looking for flowers. Plant bulbs in groups so you will have a mass of flowers come springtime.

Snow drops are the first bulbs to bloom in the spring. In February and March, if the temperature is over 40 degrees F, you will find honeybees out on snow drop flowers.


Bees also can be found on crocus.

Glory-of-the-snow is a beautiful little bulb that comes in blue, pink and white.

Grape hyacinth is bulb that will spread and multiple over the years.

Hope you will consider adding spring bulbs to your pollinator habitat. They will be a wonderful addition to your garden and beneficial to the early spring pollinators.

MJ Frogge