Pollinator Week, June 19-25, 2023

Pollinator Week is an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles. The week of June 19-25 will spotlight a unique opportunity to learn about some fascinating and important animals, the pollinators.

Tiger swallowtail on Monarda

Often overlooked or misunderstood, pollinators are in fact responsible for 1 out of every 3 bites of food that we eat. Beginning in 2006, pollinators started to decline rapidly in numbers. Participating in Pollinator Week can help save these important animals.

MJ Frogge

What you can do to help pollinators:

  • Educated yourself on pollinators that live in your area.


  • Avoid pesticides in your home landscape.
  • Plant a pollinator garden using native plants.


  • Consider certifying your pollinator habitat.


  • Provide a water source such as a bird bath, small pond or water feature.
  • Go to the Pollinator Partnership web site to learn more about pollinators. http://pollinator.org/
  • Share the information you learn with others.
  • Establish green corridorsby working with your neighbors to include several backyards in a pollinator habitat plan.
  • Attend a pollinator event.