Still Time to Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs

Spring blooming plants are very important to early pollinators. It can be hard to find and add these plants to a Nebraska pollinator habitat. Spring flowering bulbs can help fill this early season void. Plant bulbs this fall and next year you will have early spring flowers for bees and other pollinators.

The early spring period after the temperatures have started to warm but before dandelions have started blooming is a critical time for bees. Here are spring bulbs to consider adding to your pollinator habitat.

Snowdrops (Galanthus spp.) are white, nodding flowers that will multiple with time. They are the first to bloom, some as early as late January.  On a sunny day, with temperatures above 40 degrees F, you can find honeybees visiting snowdrops. Plant in a sunny, south facing location for early blooms.

Crocus (Crocus spp.) are the next to bloom and bees love them. Plant crocuses in drifts to provide loads of pollen and nectar. They generally prefer a sunny spot and are great naturalized in lawns.

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa spp.) is a wonderful sun-loving bulb. Floriferous and very hardy, Chionodoxas have pink, blue and white flowers. They grow to eight inches.

Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) is a beautiful bulb for sunny areas, with deep blue flowers and reaches 6 inches high. This exceptionally hardy plant multiples and creates an impressive naturalized area.

Striped squill, (Puschkinia scilloides) has flowers that are white with blue stripes. In April of this year, a red admiral butterfly visit my small patch of flowers.

Species tulips (Tulipa spp.) are great for pollinators. Plus bulbs come back year after year. Plant in a sunny, very well-drained place.

Grape hyacinth (Muscari spp.) are scented and a favorite bulb for many gardeners. The purple and white flowers are also a favorite for bees. Plant bulbs in a sunny area.

Checkered lily (Fritillaria meleagris.), also called Snake’s head fritillary, have unusual checkerboard patterns on their purple blooms. Plant bulbs in a part-shade areas that benefits from reliable moisture.

Many hybridized bulbs do not benefit pollinators, but heirloom or species varieties will be appreciated. Plant bulb up until the ground freezes in late November. Then look for amazing blooms and visiting pollinators next spring.

MJ Frogge



Glory of the snow


Grape hyacinth

Checkered lily

Striped squill

Spring Blooming Plants

Many great pollinator plants are blooming now.  It can be hard to find a good collection of spring blooming plants to add to your pollinator habitat. Here are a few to try.

Trees: Eastern redbud, cherry, apple, crab apple, wild plum, pear, willow, maple and Shadblow serviceberry.

Perennials: pasque flower, Dutchman’s breeches, white trout lily, Virginia bluebells and spring beauty.

Spring blooming flower bulbs: snowdrops, Siberian squill, grape hyacinth, crocus, striped squill and glory-of-the-snow.

MJ Frogge

Ready for Spring

February was very cold with lots of snow. We are definitely ready for warmer temperatures. Most of the February snow has melted. Under the snow was snowdrops, just waiting to see the sun. This early spring bulb is great for honey bees. They visit these flowers on warm days. Consider planting spring flowering bulbs like snowdrops, glory-of-the-snow, crocus and squill this fall.

Happy spring,

MJ Frogge


Snowdrops are blooming in my home habitat.  It is one of my favorite plants. We have had snow and ice, but snowdrops can handle this type of weather. This stunning and tough little flower benefits pollinators. If the temperature is above 45 degrees F when it is blooming, you will find honey bees visiting these delightful flowers.Snowdrops blooming 2018


Other spring flowering bulbs that benefit pollinators include Scilla, Glory-of-the-Snow and Crocus. Consider planting these bulbs this fall in your pollinator habitat.

MJ Frogge