
Asters are hardy perennials that bloom late summer until the first hard frost. Many asters are native to Nebraska and a late-season source of pollen for migrating monarchs, other butterflies, moths, bumblebees, solitary bees, honey bees and soldier beetles.

Asters are easy to grow and look great in a mass planting. They can be planted with other native plants like purple coneflower, coreopsis, black-eyed Susan and native grasses.

The main plant disease is powdery mildew. It causes a whitish growth that appears on leaves. To reduce the chance of this disease, grow asters in full sun and space the plants, so they are not crowded.

Heath aster – Symphyotrichum ericoides, 2-3 feet tall with white flowers.

Fendler’s aster-Symphyotrichum fendleri, 6-16 inches tall, white flowers, low growing.

‘My Antonia’ white flowers, 12 inches tall.

Smooth aster – Symphyotrichum leave, 2-4 feet tall with purple flowers.

‘Bluebird’ violet-blue flowers, 3-4 feet tall.

Calico aster- Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, 2-3 feet tall, small flower heads of white or pale purple flowers with reddish-rose centers.

‘Lady in Black’ white flowers with raspberry centers, purplish-black leaves, 3-4 feet tall.

New England aster – Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, 3-5 feet tall with pink, red-violet, purple or blue flowers.

‘Andenken an Alma Pötschke’ is a fast growing, upright, compact plant that grows 30-42 inches tall. It has masses of flowers, 2″ across, with rose pink petals which bloom for 6 weeks or longer in late summer.

Kickin’ series of bushy and compact asters, 2 ft. tall and wide, late summer to fall-blooming with semi-double flowers. Comes in seven different cultivars: ‘Carmine Red,’ ‘Lilac Blue,’ ‘Lavender,’ ‘Pink Chiffon,’ ‘Silver Pink,’ ‘Mauve,’ and ‘Purple.’

New York aster-Aster novi-belgii, 3-4 feet tall, purple, dark pink, white flowers.

‘Alert’ purplish-red flowers, 1.5-2 feet tall.

Aromatic Aster– Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, 1-4 feet tall with pink, lavender-blue, purple flowers.

‘Dream Beauty’ pink flowers with orange centers, 1 foot tall.

‘Fanny’ purple-blue flowers, 2-3 feet tall.

‘Raydon’s Favorite’ violet blue flowers, 2-3 feet tall.

‘October Skies’ sky-blue flowers, 1-2 feet.

Sky Blue aster-Symphyotrichum oolentangiense, 3 feet tall with light blue flowers.

Silky aster– Symphyotrichum sericeus, 1-2 feet, one inch purple flowers, branching stems with leaves covered silvery hairs, blooms in August.

Prairie aster – Symphyotrichum turbinellum, 3-4 feet tall with lavender flowers.

MJ Frogge

New England Aster
smooth aster
calico aster